Friday, July 16, 2010

eclectic wizard

electric wizard

electric wizard

electric wizard

electric wizard

electric wizard
(all images up to this point via electric wizard's myspace)

platform (online magazine)

platform (online magazine)
(last two images via Platform online magazine)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

pink peach

(photo by saltearthandflowers)

iconic shadows

lula magazine issue 7

lula magazine issue 7

lula magazine issue 7

lula magazine issue 7

this editorial from Lula magazine issue 7= perfection.

mania mania











(all photos by MANIAMANIA)

Lately I have had a strong desire to create my own jewelry, and this collection of images by the jewelry line MANIAMANIA is so damn inspiring! The blending of the psychedelic and the mystical in these photos is definitely giving me some great ideas...
On another note, I just finished reading 100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and I have to say that after a less than intoxicating start, I was completely absorbed in the characters' lives by the end of the novel. 448 pages chronicled the rise and fall of the fictional town of Macondo, and Marquez's blending of the factual with the fantastic made it an extremely impressive book. Luckily for me, the front page of my edition featured a family tree that I was able to refer back to (countless times) because all of the central characters have similar names- (Jose Arcadio Buendia, Jose Arcadio Segundo, Jose Arcadio, Aureliano Jose, Aureliano Segundo, etc etc). One character that I was particularly impressed by was a Gypsy Alchemist named Melquiades, who spent his days experimenting in his study and writing manuscripts that no one could decipher until the Buendia family line had endured 100 Years of Solitude. A very impressive read...and now I'm sad that it's over!